Committees are the heart and soul of Ad Fed. All of our social events, educational opportunities and public service efforts – not to mention the most sought-after awards and the best parties in town – are made possible by the efforts of Ad Fed committees. Busy people like you who volunteer their time to benefit our members and the local advertising community are what make Ad Fed's events possible.
Committee Listing
Media Relations
Media Auction
Advertising Legacy Project
The Communications Committee assures that, as experts in advertising and marketing communications, we are practicing what we preach, maximizing the effectiveness of marketing communications.
Responsible for: design and development of the Federation's newsletter and website, by obtaining volunteer talent for design and writing, securing pro-bono production services and for advertising sales.
Committee Chair: Adam Golomb
(412) 461-2000
Acting liaison with Ad Federation College Chapters in providing guidance and resources in our industry. Also, plans are currently being discussed in implementing a high school program to promote advertising as a future job potential. This committee also works in conjunction with the Scholarship committee.
Jay Green
(412) 471-2400
Taylor Abbett
(412) 281-1442
Maintains all facets of our finances and provides monthly financial report as well as handles our accounting needs.
Committee Chair: Scott Morgan
(412) 995-9500
The objective of this committee is to constantly analyze and promote the benefits of membership in Ad Fed to all individuals involved in or interested in the advertising industry. Committee members act as greeters at events, make calls to new and prospective members and promote membership.
Committee Co-Chairs:
Lillian Young
Currently phone & email unavailable
Judy Bernstein-Dickinson
(412) 919-8569
Develops and coordinates Federation programs for the year, and the month they are to be held, including monthly luncheons, and networking nights. The committee and specifically the vice president of programs, ensures that the duties and responsibilities of the committee are handled so that the Federation presents meaningful and entertaining programs that meet the goals of the Federation.
Committee Co-Chairs:
Derek Gaskins
(412) 963-2392
Carol Pusateri
(412) 544-6048
American Advertising Awards (ADDY's)
Responsible for call for entries, judging and presentation award ceremony for this annual event that recognizes creative excellence in the advertising arena.
Contact: Karen Love (PAF Executive Director)
(412) 364-4005
Media Relations
This committee is responsible for promoting the Federation, its involvement in the community and its activities and events. They are also to provide members with educational and informational forums focusing on local, state and federal legislative and regulatory issues affecting the industry.
Contact: Meade Johnson (PAF President)
(412) 369-4771
Media Auction
With the support of the advertising community, the Pittsburgh Advertising Federation created a Media Auction Fund raiser. This has become our key income producer and has enabled us to establish a scholarship fund as well as offset our operating expenses. Media Auction committee members are responsible for the solicitation and planning of the entire event annually held in November.
Contact: Karen Love (PAF Executive Director)
(412) 364-4005
Advertising Legacy Project
To provide a permanent home that will honor our Hall of Fame inductees, the marketing communication milestones and the creators and creative materials produced by Pittsburgh advertising agencies and corporations - past present and future. The Legacy committee, with the support of our board and members will create a repository using the most effective techniques and technology (kiosk/website/book/exhibitions). The showcase for this work will be easily accessible to educators, students, journalists and all residents and visitors interested in the history of advertising and marketing communications that has impacted and will continue to impact our profession in Pittsburgh.
Committee Chair: Ann McFadden